Hookup List

The Hook Up feature is unique to Swing Village. It is the "no risk" way to make contact with someone you are interested in. How it works is simple. Open up profiles of people you're interested in meeting and press the "Add to Hookup list" button. That's it. They are now on your list of people you would like to meet. This list is never seen by anyone but you. Now comes the fun part. If that same profile puts you on their Hook-Up list, the system will send you both a message telling you that you have been hooked up. You can see how many people have YOU on THEIR Hookup List by looking at the Secret Admirers section on the Home Page.

Not a day goes by without getting a request to tell someone who is on his or her Hookup list. A Hookup list belongs to the person making it, not to the person on it. No matter how many times you ask me, I won't tell you who put you on their list. Another common question is "I have single males blocked. Can they put me on their Hookup list?". The answer is, yes of course. That is their wish list. They can put anyone they want on it.