The menu bar lets you navigate easily through the different areas of Swing Village. This page provides a brief description of each menu item. Click on the link for more detailed instructions on each section.
User Name/SearchThis allows you to do a "quick search" for a profile name. Enter all or a portion of the profile name and the results will be displayed on the next page. Click "Search" to get the results. |
Friends OnlineThis shows you the profiles that are on your Friends page that are currently online. |
HomeTakes you to the Home Page of Swing Village. |
MembershipTakes you to the Membership page that contains membership and pricing information. |
My AccountHere you can modify the settings for your profile and how you view Swing Village. |
MailboxThis link takes you to your mailbox where you can view received mail and send mail to other members. |
FriendsYour Friends page lists all the members you have designated as Friends. |
My ListsThere are many different lists you can create. These can be found on this page. |
SearchYou can search for profiles with different sets of criteria here. |
GalleryYou can upload your images for public viewing here. |
EventsA monthly calendar of events submitted by members can be viewed here. |
LiaisonYou can post a notice that you are available to meet here. |
BlogsYou can write your thoughts for the Village to read and comment on here. |
LinksLinks to Lifestyle related websites can be found here. |
ForumThe forum is a discussion board about many different topics. |
ChatThis link opens Swing Village chat in a new window. |
Chat UsersThis shows you who is currently in SV Chat. |
PicturesThis link shows you who has posted new pictures, updated their profiles and other things. |
OnlineThis window shows who is currently online. |
Top ViewedThis link takes you to the most viewed profiles this week on Swing Village. |
LogoutThis logs you out of Swing Village. |
HelpClicking this link activates the Help section in a new window. You are currently viewing the Help section. |